History: Over 20 years ago a few
racers that were out at Prairie City decided to wear costumes at the last race
just for FUN. Again what started out small has grown into an annual
contest and we've started giving out prizes
for best costumes.
Judging will take place at 5:45 at the
finish line area. We will be judging by popular public opinion... and
some help from us top officials while the contestants do parade laps up
and down the finish line area.
We are going to
be giving out prizes 3 deep: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for the best costumes.
Your costume must be safe to ride in, not pose a danger to any other
riders and you must still wear a helmet at all times.
You must be able to safely ride the "judging parade" -
racing in
costume is optional (but encouraged!).
Please keep costumes in good taste, we have children our
If you want to get racing points your number plate must remain
clearly visible.
Here are a few great costumes from years past:
